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Teaching Philosophy


Teaching Philosophy


Although the subject that I teach is English, I care not only student's performance in English. I care more about the applications of their multiple intelligences and the abilities of integration.


When designing classroom activies, I always try to boost their learning motivation by using games, role plays, acting and adapting dialogues into funny stories, retelling classic stories and singing silly songs. I try to expose the students to the funnest parts of the language. Make learning process a creative, imaginative experience that they can play and explore with.

Besides providing substantial listening input, speaking opportunities, reading practices and writing exercises, students are fully supported and encouraged to use any creative way to learn the language, such as visual communication, physical expressions, brain storming activities, and innovative personal and group presentations.

I expect students to learn from each other and respect different intelligences and abilities. I hope they can appreciate others' talents and develop their own strengthes. Learning in a cooprerative, respectful and harmonic classroom is my goal.


In the future, I expect myself to learn more about teaching methods and skills, such as educational theater, game ideas for teaching and counselling skills. Learning is not the work for students, but the tool to equip more able teachers.
